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?? 是由 Jesse Mac Cormack 演唱的《 Where we meet 》


作词 : Jesse Mac Cormack
作曲 : Jesse Mac Cormack
I feel the urge
I need to slow down
Tell you the things
I've got on my mind
You eat up the???
Moving too fast
But I don't want to know
The weight of my words
Before they come out
Just tell me where you end
Because I'm breathing for two
I know we could be one
It's just a matter of time
I want to give it all
I want it to be you
I want it to be you
I wanna feel you
Your hands on my back
But don't press too hard
I'm easy to break
I'm sorry to hear about your past
But I've got one too
I'm sorry to see what you were left with
But let it be me
The best thing you can do
Is follow your heart
Follow your heart
Soft and blue
Morning has to be with you
I hope for more than you ever do
I hope time will never make its way through
Soft and blue
Morning has to be with you
I hope for more in a year or two
I hope time will never make its way through



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